Feeling and looking bloated all the time?

Experiencing digestive pain after eating?

Feeling super low on energy and often tired?

Experiencing ongoing breakouts and skin conditions?

Feeling like you quickly gain weight and inflammation? 

Confused with new health tips, tricks, and diets?

✔️ You could go bloat free and live your best life.

✔️ You had no pain or discomfort after meals. 

✔️ You woke up with energy that lasted all day long.

✔️ Your skin started to glow and breakouts stopped.

✔️ The inflammation your body was holding on to went away. 

✔️ You had a clear understanding of exactly what you needed to feel better.

✔️ Did not have to spend any more mental energy “worrying” about your health. 


You could go bloat free and live your best life.


You had no pain or discomfort after meals. 


 You woke up with energy that lasted all day long.


Your skin started to glow and breakouts stopped.


The inflammation your body was holding on to went away. 


You had a clear understanding of exactly what you needed to feel better.


Did not have to spend any more mental energy “worrying” about your health. 

  • 💖 You could go bloat free and live your best life.
  • 💖 You had no pain or discomfort after meals. 
  • 💖 You woke up with energy that lasted all day long.
  • 💖 Your skin started to glow and breakouts stopped.
  • 💖 The inflammation your body was holding on to went away. 
  • 💖 You had a clear understanding of exactly what you needed to feel better.
  • 💖 Did not have to spend any more mental energy “worrying” about your health. 

The solution you've been searching for is here...


Our initial intensive 1:1 evaluation lasts 60 minutes together and is completed virtually via Zoom. In this initial session together, we will lay the foundation for your healing. You will receive specific directions, recommendations, education, and protocols specific for your unique needs & goals.


  • Get your blood work done in my practice via LabCorp (blood work is your choice, it is not mandatory to work together - but it is extremely insightful). Please see below for my Wellness Panel information and price. 


  • Complete a questionnaire regarding: past medical history, current health symptoms, top health concerns, & reflection on your current daily habits.


  • Complete my nutritional therapy assessment and evaluations.


  • Complete my unique root cause evaluations that investigates the following: parasites, metals, mold, bacteria, toxins, & more.  


  • Fill out a 3-day food & mood journal to reflect on your habits, feelings, energy levels, and nutritional intake.


  • Get access to my Practice Better system and app for communication support as needed. 
  • Get your blood work done in my practice via LabCorp (blood work is your choice, it is not mandatory to work together - but it is extremely insightful). Please see below for my Wellness Panel information and price. 


  • Complete a questionnaire regarding: past medical history, current health symptoms, top health concerns, & reflection on your current daily habits.


  • Complete my nutritional therapy assessment and evaluations.


  • Complete my unique root cause evaluation that investigates the following: lyme, mold, stealth infections, toxins, & more. 


  • Fill out a 3-day food & mood journal to reflect on your habits, feelings, energy levels, and nutritional intake.


  • Get access to my Practice Better system and app for communication support as needed. 
  • Get your blood work done in my practice via LabCorp (blood work is your choice, it is not mandatory to work together - but it is extremely insightful). Please see below for my Wellness Panel information and price. 


  • Complete a questionnaire regarding: past medical history, current health symptoms, top health concerns, & reflection on your current daily habits.


  • Complete my nutritional therapy assessment and evaluations.


  • Complete my unique root cause evaluation that investigates the following: parasites, metals, mold, bacteria, toxins, & more. 


  • Fill out a 3-day food & mood journal to reflect on your habits, feelings, energy levels, and nutritional intake.


  • Get access to my Practice Better system and app for communication support as needed. 
  • 60 minute evaluation via Zoom together - all of my services will be virtual. 
  • Explanation of your blood work results and any “red flags” that show up for you.
  • Reviewing and explaining all of your evaluation results to you. 
  • Unique education to you regarding your concerns & results that typically include most of the following: nutritional therapy counseling, digestion / gut health, hormonal health / thyroid health, nutrition 101 & balanced meals, how to keep nutrition choices simple and effective, removing any previous “myths” and “food fear” around dietary choices, how to improve energy, lifestyle recommendations, morning routine suggestions, & skincare regime suggestions / options if interested. 
  • Education regarding more deeper “root cause” issues if needed, such as: parasites, lyme, mold, stealth infections, toxins, & more. 
  • Creating a bio-individualized protocol for you with supplement recommendations as well as lifestyle supports to set the foundational stage to healing. 
  • 60 minute evaluation via Zoom together - all of my services will be virtual. 
  • Explanation of your blood work results and any “red flags” that show up for you.
  • Reviewing and explaining all of your evaluation results to you. 
  • Unique education to you regarding your concerns & results that typically include most of the following: nutritional therapy counseling, digestion / gut health, hormonal health / thyroid health, nutrition 101 & balanced meals, how to keep nutrition choices simple and effective, removing any previous “myths” and “food fear” around dietary choices, how to improve energy, lifestyle recommendations, morning routine suggestions, & skincare regime suggestions / options if interested. 
  • Education regarding more deeper “root cause” issues if needed, such as: parasites, lyme, mold, stealth infections, toxins, & more. 
  • Creating a bio-individualized protocol for you with specific supplement and lifestyle recommendations to set the foundational stage of your healing.


 1:1 Intensive Initial Evaluation 


Please email to book a complimentary 15 minute discovery call or DM me on instagram to learn more about the process together.

Booking email link attached below. 





My Blood Work Wellness Panel includes:


  • CBC Panel (comprehensive blood count panel)
  • CMP Panel (comprehensive metabolic panel)
  • Lipid Panel (cholesterol panel)
  • Iron Panel with Ferritin
  • Full Thyroid Panel (TSH, T4, T3 Uptake, Free T3, FTI)
  • Vitamin D, CRP, Glucose, Hemoglobin A1C, + many more. 
  • Urinalysis


Cost for Wellness Panel: $199

My Blood Work Wellness Panel includes:


  • CBC Panel (comprehensive blood count panel)
  • CMP Panel (comprehensive metabolic panel)
  • Lipid Panel (cholesterol panel)
  • Iron Panel with Ferritin
  • Full Thyroid Panel (TSH, T4, T3 Uptake, Free T3, FTI)
  • Vitamin D, CRP, Glucose, Hemoglobin A1C, + many more. 
  • Urinalysis


Cost for Wellness Panel: $199 


At the end of your initial evaluation appointment, you will receive your first protocol of supplement & lifestyle recommendations to begin addressing your health goals. 


Unlimited communication with me via Email to provide support and guidance as needed until our next follow up appointment. 


Routine follow-up appointments will be scheduled 1x per month. And we will discuss if you are a good fit to join the Women's Monthly Program, which includes a variety of monthly support for you. 


Men's Program is also available by request and application process. 


At the end of your initial evaluation appointment, you will receive your first protocol of supplement & lifestyle recommendations to begin addressing your health goals. 


Unlimited communication with me via Email to provide support and guidance as needed until our next follow up appointment. 


Routine follow-up appointments will be scheduled 1x per month. And we will discuss if you are a good fit to join the Women's Monthly Program, which includes a variety of monthly support for you. 


Men's Program is also available by request and application process. 


Allowing unlimited communication and support outside of follow up appointment time makes my practice unique and it is something that I am proud to offer. I know what it feels like to feel alone, lost, and confused when I was trying to restore my health back. 


My response time to my clients is typically 24-48 hours. Please be respectful, reasonable, and with a grateful attitude when reaching out to me for unlimited support. 

  • We will meet via Zoom or phone call together 1x per month.


  • Follow up appointments can range from 30 minutes to 1 hour together depending on needs.


  • I will send you a wellness reflection form prior to each follow up appointment to help you keep track of your health goals and any changes.


  • We discuss: your improvements, current concerns, symptoms, lifestyle, mindset, and even dive deeper into some fun “biohacks” too as needed. 


  • I will modify and update your supplement & lifestyle protocol on a monthly basis for your bio-individual health needs and following my unique roadmap for true root cause healing.



  • We will meet via Zoom or phone call together 1x per month.


  • Follow up appointments can range from 30 minutes to 1 hour together depending on needs.


  • I will send you a wellness reflection form prior to each follow up appointment to help you keep track of your health goals and any changes.


  • We discuss: your improvements, current concerns, symptoms, lifestyle, mindset, and even dive deeper into some fun “biohacks” too as needed. 


  • I will modify and update your supplement & lifestyle protocol on a monthly basis for your bio-individual health needs and following my unique roadmap for true root cause healing.



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